Suto Photos: Blog en-us Thomas G. Cooper (Suto Photos) Mon, 16 Mar 2020 07:16:00 GMT Mon, 16 Mar 2020 07:16:00 GMT Suto Photos: Blog 120 120 Ann in Amsterdam We have a friend from the Dutch language class that we took in Boston before our trip here. Her family had come from Netherlands but they did not teach her to speak Dutch. She still has family friends here also. So she is learning Dutch. She spent five days at an intensive language school, Regina Coeli, colloquially referred to as the "nuns," bu the nuns are no longer involved. Lucky for us she was able to visit with us before and after her week of language.  

Ann in AmsterdamAnn in Amsterdam She is a thoughtful person who speaks carefully.  She has a very expressive face, which I tried to show here. She shares our views of the current president.  I expect most people who have an interest in and respect for other people and cultures would share many of our views.  

(Suto Photos) Sat, 24 Mar 2018 18:06:41 GMT
What I Said When I Retired from Smith Duggan I worked at the law firm Smith Duggan for 22 years. I retired on October 31, 2016, when I had just turned 66 years old.  Ever since I started working at age 16 I had dreamed of retirement when I could do whatever I wanted every day. Smith Duggan gave me a very nice dinner at which I gave a little speech. I just re-read it, and thought, "Wow, that was pretty good."  So I thought I would share it.

    Before I go I thought I should share some of the important things I have accomplished during my legal career.

    1.  I have filled out 6,053 time sheets with 30,256 entries.

    2.  I have spent 29,920.3 hours in front of a computer.

    3.  I have sent 330,921 work-related emails, on a private server, and received 167,510 desired emails, plus 2,787,133 spam emails.

    4.  I have traveled to numerous nooks and crannies of American geography, including Joplin, Missouri, where they had the foresight to specialize in lead and then asbestos, Fresno, California, Mankoto, Minnesota, in the winter, Ashland, Kentucky, where the steel mill has been idle for a year due to lack of orders, and Chouteau, Oklahoma, where they have two massive, dirty, noisy, hot coal-fired generating plants, and I have stayed in some of the country’s smelliest hotels.  I have been frozen by wind and rain in Iowa.  I visited, several times, a town with more oil refineries than book stores, back when there were bookstores. 

    But enough about my accomplishments.

    When I was about 25 years old, I was a volunteer in the Big Brother program. My little brother, George, aged 11, spoke so poorly that many people could not understand him; he was normally covered with dirt of some kind. But he was so sweet and friendly that everybody loved him, including me. One day we went to see the movie Swiss Family Robinson.  It was a matinee in an old theater in Troy, NY, and not crowded on a Saturday afternoon. George was very engrossed in the movie. In one scene, shortly after a lovely girl named Becky had appeared, also marooned on island, the rivalry for her affection culminated in a fight between the Robinson brothers, wrestling in the dirt.  By this time, George is no longer sitting, but standing because of his excitement. Then Dad enters, the boys jump up to face their father, who demands to know “who started this?”

    George instantly shouted ‘“I did”.

    My work life has been an effort to experience the kind of total immersion and intensity that George exhibited that day, where we are so intensely involved in what we are doing that no distractions can penetrate and where time disappears. The greatest enemy is boredom.

    This kind of intensity has been found in a series of problems where  figuring out what happened in an accident was needed. Some lawyers are concerned more with what a jury might later perceive has happened, but I have been lucky enough to have had a client who was willing to have me pursue what did happen.  It has always made more sense to me to live in the real world; how can we improve things if we deceive ourselves about the world around us? This kind of self-deceptions is rampant today, where, for example, a large part our fellow citizens do not accept the theory of evolution, one of the greatest scientific discoveries of all time. Or where everyone pretends that free trade is a bad thing even though it has brought many benefits far outweighing the losses.

    I have spent hundreds of hours studying photographs and, in one case, caught an expert flat out committing perjury about what he had done.  Advocacy at times has run amok and the self interest of the participants in the judicial process can distort the goals we hold for it.

    On some days you could find me spending hour after hour trying to understand engineering drawings, to see how something was supposed to work, why it did or did not.

    Certainly every experienced attorney, including me, has encountered lawyers and experts who were completely despicable and avaricious, and those who were completely trustworthy. We have encountered lawyers who were so poor at what they were doing that we felt bad for their client, and I have encountered others who were better than I was, in which case I felt bad for me. 

One scary crazy guy was Tom Keefe, a lawyer in the legal hellhole of southern Illinois. He prided himself on the ability to get a defendant to lose it at some point, and he started with his email address of “[email protected]”  Keefe was another breed, needing constant feeding of his ego and “winning” every encounter.

    We had a scheduling hearing with Keefe.  The hearing was scheduled for 9:00 am along with 50 others. The courtroom was filled with lawyers.  In walks Keefe, not through the doors for the public, but through the door that leads to the judge’s lobby.  He was wearing a worn out, white, v-neck t-shirt, faded orange running shorts, and Dockers with no socks. 

    He asked “what were we doing sitting out there; let’s go se the judge.” He led us back through the door, which led to the hallway where the offices of the judges were located. We followed him into several offices, where he introduced me as his friend from Boston and told each judge that I had gone to Harvard.  

    Finally, we saw our judge, where Tom apologized for his clothes by saying that he had spilled mustard on his go-to-court clothes and this was  all he had. Nobody said a word to him.  Fortunately, he was an outlier.

    I have seen many people weeping when asked what happened to them or to someone they loved. Some witnesses have been so frightened by the deposition that they could barely speak, and others who got angry.  And regarding emotional responses to depositions, I have one regret;  I have never gotten an expert to cry in a deposition, even when I though they should have.

    I know it may be hard to believe, but I have never been very concerned with clothing.

    I worked along side a GE engineer in one case in which a GE employee was shocked badly while working on GE switchgear. GE’s engineer-investigator had flown to the job site the next day, interviewed every person who knew anything about the accident, and gathered and studied hundreds of pages of material. After learning all this and thinking about it, he found several factors that contributed to the accident, and he prepared a plan to try to prevent it from ever recurring. He did this in 30 days after the accident. So how long do a lawsuits take and how much do they cost to get to the same level of understanding. He was not seeking to blame anyone, or determine who should pay for the accident.  Why, I wonder, don’t we treat every serious accident this way?  We would have more accurate and more consistent results for far less money.

    And many times I have wondered whether being a lawyer was a good thing, should I have done something else? and the answer is always mixed. At times attorneys are rude aggressive inconsiderate. But the profession usually encourages one thing: it helps individuals and our society cope with the kind of accidents we are dealing with. People eventually accept the results, even if they do not agree with them. After witnessing some ugly behavior at a political event, George Saunders wrote these words in a recent article in the New Yorker.

    “This . . . is why we practice civility. This is why, before we say exactly what is on our minds, we run it past ourselves, to see if it makes sense, is true, is fair, has a flavor of kindness, and won’t hurt someone or make someone’s difficult life more difficult.”

    So I leave you with two sentiments:  I hope you as often as possible experience work with the kind intensity that George felt watching the Robinson brothers fight, and that we all strive to demonstrate and find in others the civility that Saunders described.


(Suto Photos) Fri, 12 Jan 2018 15:03:47 GMT
Nieuwjaar Dag 2018: Gek Vuurwerks On New Year's Eve night, Izzy was very unhappy. She does not like loud noises. The fireworks have been going off in our neighborhood for hours (it’s about 1 am now). They sell over €100 million of fireworks in the Netherlands. They can legally be set off from 8 pm until 2 am.  Many people are walking around with open bottles and glasses.  One death so far and many car fires. The fire department has asked people to put out fires themselves and not call them unless it’s a car fire or life is in danger.  It is quite crazy. On New Year's day, the news reports the number of injuries, burns: one fourteen year old lost his hand.  An opthamologist on TV showed photos of very ugly eye injuries and urged people to use safety glasses, but I did not see any of my neighbors doing so. The sound was amazing. My neighborhood has many blocks of brick faced buildings five stories high, so the sound reverberates. Here’s a little sound file outside our apartment this evening.

 Here’s a little sound file outside our apartment this evening.


Amsterdam has lots of lights and and crowds. In Dam, there is a Kerstmis boom (Christmas tree), with lights.  Several streets have lights strung over the street. Here's a view. 

New Year's Eve 2017 6New Year's Eve 2017 6 New Year's Eve 2017 5New Year's Eve 2017 5

Here's the tree at Dam.  Underwhelming, no?

New Year's Eve 2017 1New Year's Eve 2017 1 New Year's Eve 2017 2New Year's Eve 2017 2

For as long as I can remember I have felt the same about New Year's Eve:  I don't get it. The selection of this day for drinking to excess, spending ridiculous amounts of money, listening to the same corny songs, staying out way too late, driving drunk, is arbitrary.  Susan and I have most often on New Year's Eve visited the national wildlife refuge in Concord and walked around the ponds.  Traditions can be nice, but I think we should have better ones and maybe we should intentionally examine them and decide what is good and what is not. 

(Suto Photos) Tue, 02 Jan 2018 09:20:15 GMT
Amsterdam Motif By looking around, you can see the enormous number of cameras and photographers in Amsterdam, especially in the center city. I was lured there by the architecture, lights, stores and people. This run down building has an interesting looking door. It would make a nice photo, I thought. While I was there adjusting my camera and moving around using my sneaker zoom, two other people also photographed it. Sigh.  It's just another standard tourist shot. I only post is as an acknowledgement of the difficulty of original looking photographs in Amsterdam.  One must look carefully for the unusual. Anyway, I like the photo even though many others have done similar ones.


Amsterdam Motif 329Amsterdam Motif 329

(Suto Photos) Fri, 29 Dec 2017 15:26:56 GMT
Hortus Botanicus Leiden Hortus Botanicus in Leiden is right in the middle of Leiden University, an old and prestigious institution here, founded in 1575. That was even before Wayland was founded (1636 or 1638).  Visiting in the winter is excellent because of the lack of crowds and the numerous greenhouses stuffed with plants.  I go there to find interesting photographic subjects, and I think I did. Here are the ones I like the best from my first visit.

The first photo shows a plant that emits sticky stuff to attract and catch insects. You can see an ant fell prey to this ploy. 


Hortus 3Hortus 3 Hortus 9Hortus 9

Here's the bark of an interesting tree:

Hortus 00Hortus 00

The bird of Paradise flower is one of the most spectacular on earth, but they almost always look a little ratty when I see them in gardens in the warm parts of the US.  This one was a perfect specimen.

Hortus 6Hortus 6 Hortus 7Hortus 7

Many plants have gorgeous leaves and this was one of the best.

Hortus 14Hortus 14

(Suto Photos) Mon, 25 Dec 2017 13:28:15 GMT
Amsterdam Winter Solstice Instead of any thoughtful commentary following astute observation of Dutch society, I can offer comments on the weather. Of course, this is of paramount importance to me and Susan. We knew in July that we would pay the price for the glorious summer days, when the windows were open 24 hours per day and it was light when you went to bed and when you go up. Now we have dark, cloudy, rainy, misty, and occasionally glimpses of direct sunshine.  We just passed the winter solstice, and we have survived. The Nederlanders seem to cope without a hiccup.  The bikers still bike. The builders still build. The scooters still suck. I admire moms and dads who cycle to work and carry their toddlers on their bikes when it is drizzling rain.  

Rijksmuseum and SkatingRijksmuseum and SkatingMuseumplein skating, December 2017

Above the "e" in Amsterdam, you can see the tunnel that goes under the Rijksmuseum.  It is ode to geometry and a view that I love, with the line of columns, lights, and vaulted sections.  The best part is no cars here, only the pedestrians, bikes, and scooters.  

Rijksmuseum TunnelRijksmuseum Tunnel

Amsterdam is banning the gas-powered scooter in favor of electric scooters. The rules are being phased in. And the scooters are being banned from the bike paths because of the number of accidents.  Yesterday, a scooter went by me that was so noisy and I could smell it after it passed.  The city will be so much nicer  after these changes are fully implemented. The government here can do things like that and they are accepted. Isn't that interesting? 

(Suto Photos) Mon, 25 Dec 2017 13:07:17 GMT
Dark, Rainy, and Windy Before we came, I expected Amsterdam to be dark, rainy, and windy. So far, however, the weather has been fantastic, the days long, and a moderate amount of rainfall. That is giving way to different conditions. 

MuseumpleinMuseumplein Evening TrainEvening Train

When I used to walk Izzy, it was light after 9:00.  Now it is dark.  Fewer bikes, but the riders apparently want to move about undetected, since they have no lights, no reflective clothing, don't use their bells. And the scooter drivers often feel free to speed along on the sidewalk, not just in the bike path which is bad enough.  

On Sunday, the pet store owner told Susan that it was the last nice day for months. 

The meteorological data shows that October is historically the month with the highest rainfall.

The last two evenings it was very windy when I took Izzy out for her evening walk, and it was already dark by 8:00.

The result is far few people, which is okay.

(Suto Photos) Tue, 03 Oct 2017 14:05:39 GMT
Texel vs. Cape Cod We took simultaneous photos of each other.  Susan and were on Texel, and island on the north end of the Netherlands. You can get there from Amsterdam by taking the train from downtown Amsterdam, then a bus (or walk) to the ferry, the take the ferry to Texel, then take a bus on Texel.  Since we have no car and we are very thrifty, that was great.  

Texel has dunes and beaches.  They were similar to Cape Cod beaches, so fantastic in my opinion.  We saw only the ocean side, so I cannot compare the bay sides.  The sand Texel might be considered better than Cape Cod. It is very find and soft to walk on.  

You can rent bikes and cycle along bike paths through the dunes. We did just that, and reached a place where we parked and walked toward the ocean. There is a spot where bird-watchers like go, and we met some Dutch vogelaars there, three brothers and a brother-in-law.  They had among them a beautiful telescope, which they let us look through.  Much better than the one we have.  We saw, among other things, spoonbills (lepelaar), a cousin of the roseate spoonbill that we have seen in Florida. Beginners luck maybe. 

We cycled too far for out-of-shape and out-of-practice people.  Susan fell off her bike on the way back when she hit a patch of mud left by a machine that was cutting the bike path for some reason unknown to us.  But she has recovered and may bike again.

Tom on TexelTom on Texel Susan on Texel2Susan on Texel2

Texel has its share of kitsch, as you can see.  Like Cape Cod does. Cape Cod has the National Seashore that protects some of the beaches.  The kitsch is kept back from the dunes and beaches, so Cape Cod has that advantage.  But overall, it's a fantastic place. I want to return in the winter when it will be free of visitors and will be gray and windy I suspect. 

Dining on Texel BeachDining on Texel Beach Texel TchotchkeTexel Tchotchke

De Strand HutDe Strand Hut ChocomelChocomel


(Suto Photos) Fri, 08 Sep 2017 15:28:03 GMT
Dissemination of Knowledge The City of Amsterdam maintains 270,000 trees. You can find the location of each one of them, along with their size, stage of life, and age on a website that the city maintains.  Because of that, I know that this photo shows the seedpod from a corylus colurna. It stands in front of 11 Nicolas Maesstraat and was planted in 1956.  You can eat the seeds; they are hazelnuts. In Dutch it is named a boomhazelaar.  You can learn more about the tree on Wikipedia by searching the Latin name. 

Boomhazelaar 2Boomhazelaar 2

Also, did you know that the tiny country of the Netherlands is the world's second largest exporter of agricultural products.  They have been very resourceful. They have one of the highest per capita incomes in the world.  Apparently having a high tax rate does not equate with unproductive economies. And everyone has health insurance for reasonable prices.  And people are free to live however they like. Almost the entire population speaks more than one language.  I think the US could learn something from the Netherlands.

(Suto Photos) Sat, 02 Sep 2017 14:05:02 GMT
Strange Fruits and the Virtue of Laziness in Moderation In Nederland, there are many things that I cannot explain.  Does the football season ever end?  Will elected members of Parliament ever form a government and why does it matter? Why does the water leak into our apartment during a heavy rain? What is this strange fruit? (See update below.)

Susan found this on the sidewalk near our house, but could not find the plant that it came from in spite of looking. It was mildly interesting to photograph, mainly because of the color.  But the inside was even more interesting. The whole thing is about 2" along the long axis.  The insides have structure similar to melons, eh?  But those red things are a mystery.  Melons have seeds but nothing quite like those red things.

Quite by accident, I learned that laziness may have some benefits. Many times now I have discovered that leaving a piece of fruit or a vegetable on the counter for several days, utterly neglected, even after cutting it open, lets it dry up and shrivel in interesting ways.  The results occasionally are far more interesting than the original.  This strange fruit is a perfect example, I think. So here's to laziness and neglect.  But remember to practice it in moderation.

Dried FruitDried Fruit

*It's a passion fruit.  When mature, all the little seeds had grown into the red thing, and you can eat them. Like a pomegranate.

(Suto Photos) Thu, 31 Aug 2017 11:05:12 GMT
Irony and Crime 20 August One member of our family has consistently warned the other about the risk from zakkenrollers, i.e., pickpockets. Amsterdam has a reputation for an active community of them. One can effectively guard against them, largely because others become the low-hanging fruit. In an ironic twist, the one who consistently gave the warnings, rather than the one who consistently pooh-poohed them, was picked.  The thief took keys and wallet, which had been attached to each other. 

Tram #5 is like the green line in Boston: it can be very crowded.  It was the scene of the crime, somewhere between Spui and Leidseplein.

Our appropriately distraught crime victim called the police, but could not navigate the Dutch auto attendant (this was not the emergency number, where they are multilingual).  So he or she visited the police department the following morning, where the office said, in essence, why bother with a report?  They did not even want to count the crime. (They apparently discounted the possibility that the items might be recovered and the police might need to call the victim with the happy news.)

Colorful stuffColorful stuff

After starting all the steps to recover from loss of keys and wallet, a miracle occurred.  The police called and said that they had the stolen items, but the money had been removed from the wallet. It turns out the someone found them on the ground in Leidseplein and turned them in to the police. The police already had the relevant phone number because that person was a witness to an accident and gave a statement to the police then. 

So we have now witnessed two crimes in five months; a drunk driver hit a cyclist, and a pickpocket picked a pocket.  The photo?  It shows urban detritus and is here to stand in for crime and its effects.

I was interviewed about a week ago in Spui, where we had just visite a bookstore. The interviewer was asking about crime in that neighborhood, whether I liked having surveillance camera, whether I wanted more police. I professed not to be worried at all about crime, and I still have no idea how much crime there is in Amsterdam.  Maybe I should look into that. 

(Suto Photos) Sat, 19 Aug 2017 20:25:54 GMT
Evolution of the Eye and Human Knowledge 10 August I have heard people argue that evolution cannot explain the human body because some parts, such as the eye, are so complex that there is no series of evolutionary steps that could lead to the eye.  I think the better argument can be found in the writings of Richard Dawkins, who is excellent at explaining the power of natural selection to evolve increasingly complex forms.  The alternative, advocated by the naysayers of evolution, is that a higher power created the eye's design. The eye, ergo, god. If you believe Dawkins's arguments, then do you conclude no god? 

The bubble 1The bubble 1

If a creature of infinite knowledge and power created the eye, then I have some complaints about its performance, based on personal experience. My eye went out of focus at an early age. Since I was born in the 20th century, corrective lenses and contact lenses fixed that. Then my lenses in my eye clouded, i.e., cataracts.  Since I developed this problem in 2013 and later, I got my natural lenses removed and artificial lenses inserted. The procedure for this is not in the Bible, koran, or other mythology. It can only be found in books of science. 

But the story does not end there. My left eye started to fall apart, when the retina got detached from its intended substrate. (Een netvlies loslating.) This condition will lead to blindness in that eye unless treated. I knew the symptoms because a person of science had warned me about this risk. My luck has continued, because this happened in 2017, when advances in eye surgery make this a fixable condition. I live in an advanced western civilization, the Netherlands, where the latest in medical care is available.  I was assigned to Dr. Hoog at the Academisch Medisch Centrum.  He, with the help of other doctors and medical people, made tiny holes in my sclera, removed the fluid and goo from the interior of my eye, wiggled the retina back into place, and tack welded it there with a laser. One hour, no pain.  Wat leuk! Then he filled my eye with gas, including nitrous oxide and sulfur hexafluoride (also used as an insulator in high voltage electrical equipment!). (You shouldn't fly on a plane with gas in your eye; they didn't say why but I imagine it would explode and make a mess.) The gas is temporary and is absorbed by the body and replaced with vitreous fluid. The ratio of gas to vitreous changes over 2 weeks or so. After two weeks, I have a small bubble of gas left, which has made my evolving vision unusual and somewhat interesting and annoying simultaneously.  When I tip my head forward, the gas forms a circle in the center of my vision, with a heavy black circumference, and blur in the middle.  I tried to re-create the sensation in the photo above. The day after the surgery, everything was a complete blur, but has changed over time and hopefully will be back to normal within a few more days. 

Once again, science has shown it is the best way to understand the natural world. This seems so overwhelmingly obvious that I think almost everyone will want to promote science, except apparently those in the White House and EPA and similar places. They prefer the dark ages.

(Suto Photos) Thu, 10 Aug 2017 15:56:03 GMT
Burgundy Friends 22 July Paul turned 80, but does the daily NYT crossword puzzles in a few minutes, except Saturday, which stumped him this week**. He speaks multiple languages, is an expert woodworker and metal worker, was a sailor and a journalist for the Boston Globe. He interviewed, among others, Henry Kissinger, who would not answer Paul's questions, in the way a politician does, where words come out but the question is not responded to.  He is an expert cook and knows about wines.  He lives mostly in Massachusetts but partly in France.  And he immigrated to the USA.  Lucky for us. I hope that anyone would agree that we want people like Paul if they want to come here. He knows tons about European history. He talked about Cathars and Etruscans. These are only the topics that were evident last week when Susan and I visited Paul and Barbara in their home in Burgundy.  

ThoriseauThoriseau Their house is in a place called Les Menages, near Druyes-les-Belles-Fontaines Yvonne.  That part of Burgundy is agricultural, with winding roads, villages with streets wide enough for only one car in many places, and lots of fields with wheat or sunflowers or other crops. The wheat is being harvested now, and many fields were dotted with large round bales of straw. I now know that straw is the part of the wheat that is left after the wheat berries are removed.  You can put it in a barn and it makes removal of the animal poop easier or better in some way.  The houses and villages are very old. We visited a church in Vezelay which was big and old, but still functioning as a Catholic Church. They let visitors come in and photograph it. In the crypt is a spot with some part of the remains of Mary Magdalene.  Let's just say I am skeptical of that claim.  But the church was quite spectacular.

There was obviously not much money being made in that part of France. When we drove about, we encountered relatively few cars, and many buildings were showing their age, not in a good way. The supermarket we stopped at was not super. Most of the people we saw were older. The villages had very few people in them, and they all looked like traditional French families. There was no immigration issue there.

Continuing the desultory commentary, 

Sunflowers 2Sunflowers 2

the sunflowers, nearly mature here, had virtually NO WEEDS!  Hmmm.  How did they do that?  And the plants were quite regularly spaced in straight lines in a neat grid.  I think we saw millions of them. Then it was back to Amsterdam.

**Paul commented, not that he is competitive about his crossword prowess, "Thanks for the picture and the kind words.  But I want you to know  that after you left Saturday morning, I went back inside and finished Saturday’s crossword puzzle. It was a tough one."

(Suto Photos) Fri, 04 Aug 2017 12:12:26 GMT
Amsterdam Flowers 17 July I couldn't bring everything I would need for a year.  One thing I left behind was my tripod.  The casual photographer may not realize how key a tripod is for macrophotography, but for me it is essential. I finally bought one here, much better than my old one, lighter, more compact, and more rigid, so less chance of unwanted camera movement, and easier to carry around. These flowers are from the genus Nigella. Susan bought these around the corner. August 6: Susan reminded me that these flowers are commonly called Love-in-a-Mist.

Nigella 3Nigella 3 Nigella 2Nigella 2

Nigella 1Nigella 1   Nigella 4Nigella 4

In the Mist 3In the Mist 3   In the Mist 2In the Mist 2


(Suto Photos) Mon, 17 Jul 2017 16:25:57 GMT
Sex in the City 16 July Amsterdam is known for pot and prostitution, among other things.  Having lived here for 3 ½ months, I can say with confidence that that is ridiculous.  They form a small and not terribly significant part of the city.  There is a 'red light district' not far from where we live, a lovely part of the city.  You can tell by the dirty red awnings on the buildings.  Within the same distance, there are scores of eating places and cafes, world class museums, one of the greatest music venues of the world, a fantastic public transportation system throughout, an active canal system, an Apple Store, libraries, schools, public parks, gardens, summer music and theater in the park, and a host of cultures.  

Anthurium SpadixAnthurium Spadix Anthurium spadix and spatheAnthurium spadix and spathe

I saw an episode of Rick Steve's once about Amsterdam.  Rick visits a 'coffee shop' where he learns about various marijuana products. It looked kinda like a Starbucks.  The only ones I have seen look more like rundown old bars.  Maybe I am not looking in the right places.  In the area of the Museumplein, you may smell pot sometimes. One of my neighbors yelled one day at two young men "ARE YOU SMOKING POT, ARE YOU, ARE YOU SMOKING POT?"  She told them to go away, and they did.  I thanked her.  

If you like plant porn, you can see more at By the way, the plant in the photo is an anthurium. The purplish stalk is the spadix, and the white bumps on the bottom are the flowers of plant. The almost white leaf is a spathe, a type of bract, not a petal. Many of the plants in the anthurium family have fascinating shapes and colors.


(Suto Photos) Sat, 15 Jul 2017 15:29:33 GMT
Bike/Car Collision 15 July Every time I take Izzy for a walk to Museumplein, I worry about her getting seriously injured.  To cross Van Baerlestraat, one must cross a bike lane, then a car and bus lane, then two tram lanes, then another car and bus lane, then a bike lane. On bike lane 1, vehicles are supposed to come from the left only, but sometimes they come from the right. Sometimes cars travel in the tram lane.  Bikes and scooters, which can travel 20 to 25 mph, are supposed to be in the bike lane, but sometimes they come onto the sidewalk, to park or to pass slower vehicles in the bike lane. We always cross at the cross walk, but frequently bikes, scooter, and cars do not stop or slow down for pedestrians, and cars sometimes stop and sometimes not.  If you just forget once for a moment, Izzy might stray into the path of a vehicle.  And I have forgotten a few times, but fortunately nothing bad happened.  


      If there is one aspect of Amsterdam that I do not like, it is this congestion and mixing of vehicles this way. Safety depends on the participants in the system being careful and following the rules, so there are bound to be accidents. 

     There is a short street between our house and Van Baerlestraat alongside the Concertgebouw.  Part of it is closed to traffic, but last week a car drove right onto the closed part and collided with a biker. The biker was an older man. He was knocked off and suffered cuts and bruises at least.  He was obviously in pain.  The driver was obviously intoxicated.  

     Several people stopped and helped him. Security guards emerged from the Concertgebouw and called the police and the ambulance and brought some towels to cushion the man's head and arm (he was lying in the street).  I am surprised that we have not seen more accidents.

(Suto Photos) Sat, 15 Jul 2017 12:07:21 GMT
Healthy Cities and Big Green Leaves 13 July People familiar with cities in the Northeast of the US would call the houses in our neighborhood row houses.  The neighborhood we live in is undergoing gentrification and prices have risen a lot in recent times. The papers have had several pieces lately about families leaving Amsterdam because of the high housing prices.  I don't know if that can or should be stopped or slowed.  Others who think more about the health of cities will have to the propose an answer.  

One of our Dutch friends was in Albany recently and saw some older neighborhoods that were run down. He wondered why young people and young families did not move back there and improve the houses.  Good question.  

There is a plant in our neighborhood, growing in front of a row house with very large green leaves.  Here is a piece of one of its leaves: Grean Leaf from de buurtGrean Leaf from de buurt

(Suto Photos) Sat, 15 Jul 2017 11:32:16 GMT
Cursus Nederland Graduation Day Susan en ik hebben ons cursus Nederlands vandaag voltooid. We weten meer dan vooraf, maar leren Nederlands is een erg langzaam proces. Ik hoop dat in één jaar ik kunnen spreken en begrijpen Nederlands.  Ons cursisten komen uit Griekenland, Israël, Zuid Korea, en China. Gwansu, bij recht eind, spreekt veel weinig Engels, en geen Nederlands.  In september, we beginnen level twee. Ons docenten (links van Susan) zijn uitstekend, allebei professioneel.  


Class PhotoClass Photo

(Suto Photos) Thu, 13 Jul 2017 19:14:22 GMT
Why Afghan Wars Are A Bad Idea: 2- June According to Wikipedia, the first Anglo-Afghan war, from 1839 to 1842, became known as the disaster in Afghanistan.  More than 4,500 troops on the British side died, and 12,000 camp followers.  As usual, nobody in the West bothered to count the number of Afghanis who died or considered the other inevitable suffering caused by an invading armies.  

By the time of the second Anglo-Afghan war, 1878-1880, photography had been invented and there are quite a few photographs. This one is currently on display at the Rijksmuseum.  I  took a picture of the photo so you can see it without coming to Amsterdam.  You can find others on wikipedia.  

Second anglo afghan war.Second anglo afghan war.

The British "won" the war, and the Afghanis agreed to let Britain control their foreign policy, which meant that they would not be allowed to get too cozy with Russia. (Sound familiar?)

We now know about Russia's disaster in Afghanistan and the US misguided steps to help get Russia bogged down there. And that brings us to the current disaster in Afghanistan.  (Sorry if I have missed any wars there.)

I heard this week that Mr. Maddis (he is no longer a general) told a reporter recently that the US has not established a policy under the Trump administration regarding Afghanistan. What's the rush?  We have only been fighting there for 16 years. Then a few days later, we learned that the US is sending 4,000 more troops there! Since we have no goal and no policy, why, why, why, would be do such a thing? And the president has ceded decision making about troop levels to the military!! This is what incompetence looks like. 

The US is not 'winning' the war in Afghanistan. We don't even know what 'winning' means. The Taliban controls a major portion of the country, and we have no ability to do anything about. Our past policy, forcing the Taliban to negotiate, has not worked, so it is time to move to a different policy. 

Let me think, who is the person I would most like to help resolve this conundrum?  

(Suto Photos) Tue, 20 Jun 2017 16:13:55 GMT
Poop, infrastructure, and is America better? 15 June Izzy must poop on the sidewalk most of the time. There are few opportunities for her to poop on grass, which had been her preferred poop-target. With a six poung dog, the poop is petite, not some big stinking yucky pile.  Of course, any responsible dog owner will up their's dog's poop, right?  


In our neighborhood, there are many places to deposit the picked-up poop.  A block from our house, there are trash disposal receptacles.  All of the trash from our house goes in there.  They have plastic, paper, and everything else (restaval). And they are located every couple of blocks.  (On Tuesday mornings we can hear the city truck emptying them.) With trash disposal this easy, you would think that everyone would drop their trash here.  But the amount amount of trash on the street and sidewalks is quite surprising and our neighborhood regularly has all kinds of stuff on the ground.  Number 1:  cigarette butts.  Then, dog poop, paper, cups, beer cans, bottles, newspaper, boxes, and wrappers. Don't even get Susan started on construction sites, like the many buildings that are being rehabbed in the neighborhood.  


When growing up, there were campaigns to discourage littering:  Keep America Beautiful, and Litterbug shaming.  As a result, I think it became more of a cultural value.  Maybe they need one here.  

    Having whined about that and declared American superiority, I admit that I could be wrong. We live in an urban area here.  Maybe a comparable neighborhood in Boston or Cambridge would have similar trash problems.  But I call on my fellow Amsterdammers:  don't be a litterbug!

(Suto Photos) Tue, 20 Jun 2017 15:06:09 GMT
Fence and Speaking in Tongues 4 June The first time I discovered all on my own that something someone told me was not true was in about 1953 or 1954. I was 3 or 4. I had seen an ad on TV for Jets cereal. Kids who ate Jets were able to fly. They just ate the cereal, went outside, started running, and jumped up and flew.  I thought that was true; so I ate the cereal, went outside, ran and jumped, but gravity worked as it always did. Since then, I have discovered many things that people told me are not true; at least my experience seems to contradict them.  Supernatural beings, for example.  I have never found even the tiniest reason to justify believing that there is a supernatural being with infinite power, knowledge and who loves us. If that were true, I would conclude that he/she/it is some kind of cruel bastard.  

    Nevertheless, I would still like to have a miracle every once in a while.  More money, or better looks, or freedom from pain or anxiety or sorrow.  My latest wish is associated with Pentecost, the christian myth that the Holy Spirit, one of the trinity members, came to earth and enabled some people to talk in tongues, but where they were understood and could understand.  Since I have been studying Dutch since last October, I long for a miraculous expansion of my language skills. Enough daily study, learning vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, idioms, manners.  I just want to wake up and have a miraculous improvement in my language skills. I want to read and understand with ease great Dutch poetry and prose.  I am going to sleep shortly, Saturday night before Pentecost. If I wake up tomorrow with this fluency in Dutch, I will have to look into the causes. 

Oh yeah, the photo. I like the color and geometry of this fence. They keep putting up and taking down fencing on the museumplein for events.  I never even saw what this fence was for, but I liked the photo.  It does not tell a story or have any secondary meaning. It is just itself.  


(Suto Photos) Sun, 28 May 2017 21:43:29 GMT
Zussen in Amsterdam 26 May Lenora and Linda came to visit us and pose for their picture with Susan. They had a list of things they wanted to do and they did them. And they walked and walked and walked.  And they were pleasant and agreeable the whole time.  When I cooked something to eat, they said repeatedly how good it was. When we trashed he-who-should-not-be-named, they joined in the chorus of condemnation.  They didn't show up too early and they didn't stay too late. They paid for the right amount of stuff. Perfect guests I think.

Zussen in Amsterdam 2017 B&WZussen in Amsterdam 2017 B&W

(Suto Photos) Thu, 25 May 2017 18:13:23 GMT
Vondel Art 25 May Amsterdam has art in lots of places, not just the museums.  This piece is located under a bridge where Van Baerlestraat goes over a little piece of Vondel Park. Someone has add some goth makeup to the creatures, making it even more creepy.

Vondel sculptureVondel sculpture

(Suto Photos) Thu, 25 May 2017 17:51:03 GMT
Voetballiefhebbers 24 May To watch Ajax (eye-ox), soccer lovers showed up in tens of thousands on and near museumplein until the police declared it 'vol,' or full.  So full was it, that the liefhebbers climbed any and everything in sight to get a view of the screens. And they drank, smoked, peed, barfed, broke windows, smashed bottles in the street, hopped a lot, set off smoke flares and flare flares, and littered.  Only 30 were arrested for setting fires, public intoxication, and insults.  How the other 100,000 drunks avoided arrest, as well as the person who took a dump on the sidewalk, is not clear.  

Watching Ajax LoseWatching Ajax Lose

These are some of the fans who could not get into museumplein, which had been fenced off, and here is some of what they left behind (maybe they need a litterbug campaign/Blijf Nederland Mooi):

Are Soccer Fans Messy?Are Soccer Fans Messy?

I maintained my perfect lifetime record:  I have never watched a soccer game from start to finish. Ajax lost this one; I have no idea if they played well or not, whether the game was competitive or not, or what the knowledgeable fan thought of the game. While I can read Dutch slowly with the help of a dictionary, I did not get through any newspaper articles about the game. If Ajax had won, there would have been a 'party' on the Museumplein on Thursday evening. So, for purely selfish reasons, I don't mind that they lost.

(Suto Photos) Thu, 25 May 2017 17:47:22 GMT
What a Refugee Looks Like 23 May and July 2017 Here's an update.  Mosul has been largely destroyed.  Here is one of thousands of photographs showing the horror and suffering.

MosulMosul after driving ISIS out. July 17

(I do not have permission to repost this photo, but I hope they do not mind. 

I am sure that the girl below had no idea how much worse things were going to get. I wonder if she survived and where she is. 

There have always been bogeymen. Some have deserved the condemnation, some not. Political leaders need some great evil to fight against. Even informed and interested citizens will have a hard time assessing the true risk of enemies. But ISIS seems to have earned and to deserve all of the condemnation.  The extent of its cruelty is shocking, the antipathy to the most fundamental values that make the US and liberal western democracies the wonderful places to be that they are, and its willingness to subjugate others against their will, show ISIS to be an evil organization and justifying war against it.  The photo above gives us one tiny piece of the destruction and suffering caused by it. I cannot understand how it has been able to appeal to others to voluntarily join it.  

Thanks to the many photojournalists who have shown us what refugees from the Middle East look like. This girl lives in Mosul. This picture was taken by Laurent Van der Stockt and I photographed it. Many European countries have accepted large numbers of war and environmental refugees.  Some countries, even the wealthiest one in the history of humanity, have done very little.  I am ashamed of the cruelty shown by my country toward refugees. 


(Suto Photos) Tue, 23 May 2017 19:55:34 GMT
Fabrice! 22 May Fabrice made this mosaic. It sits on the corner of a park in front of an Indian restaurant, near the street. Seems to be some kind of electrical building, maybe housing a transformer.  

Fabric 1Fabric 1 We saw another one on WillemsParkWeg, next to a tram stop.  Another electrical building. 

Fabrice wpw1Fabrice wpw1 Fabrice has a web site where you can see him, his painting, his drawing, mosaics, and things he has made. One of my most favorite pieces of art in Amsterdam.

Fabrice wpw3Fabrice wpw3

(Suto Photos) Tue, 23 May 2017 19:36:31 GMT
Homo Sapiens 14 May Did you know that Google Translate will translate Latin into English?  Not needed very often, but sometimes in Amsterdam.

Did you also know that Nederland is one of the windiest countries. They even have a verb for blow over (omwaaien), as in de truck omwaaien.  They sometimes close roads, reduce train service, and issue warnings when there are high winds. Speaking of trains, last year the Dutch train company announced that they generated enough electricity by wind to power 100% of their trains, which I think are all electric. The people here have no trouble understanding the relationship between wind, fossil fuels, and sea level rise, a matter of great interest. No time for nonsense about sea levels. 

Homo SapiensHomo Sapiens **A wise man does not piss into the wind.

(Suto Photos) Wed, 17 May 2017 13:20:05 GMT
European Song Festival 13 May More than 100 million people this evening are watching the European Song Festival on TV.  Three hours with no commercials.  Yodeling, singing, guitar playing, beefcake dancers, orchestras, shiny costumes.  Twenty-six countries, including Australia, have one person in tonight's finals singing an original song. It's a slick performance that looks a lot like American Idol. And everyone sings in English!  More evidence that English is the world's leading language.  The screen shot is Demy from Greece, a beautiful woman and an accomplished singer. But what's with the beefcake?  BTW, ABBA won in 1974.

Greek Eurovision Song ContestantGreek Eurovision Song Contestant    

(Suto Photos) Sat, 13 May 2017 20:49:52 GMT
Floppy Pots 12 May There is a reflecting pool between the Rijksmuseum and the Museumplein. Somebody just put this very large collection of pots in the pool while I wasn't looking. Hmmm.  Interesting?  


Floppy PotsFloppy Pots

(Suto Photos) Sat, 13 May 2017 20:37:36 GMT
Esther & Elias 11 May Within one lifetime, Esther Slap-Sammes, a 74 year old woman who lived in the neighborhood where we now live, was forcibly taken from her home by an occupying army, sent to a concentration camp, and murdered there. The German Army officially capitulated on May 5, 1945, 3 months after Esther was killed. We do not know when Esther was captured. All over Amsterdam there are brass plaques like these in the sidewalk reminding us of what happened. It remains almost inconceivable that other Europeans could have done this and claimed that it was right while they were doing it, except that we know it happened. I don't think humanity has progressed much since then.

Esther & Elias 11 MayEsther & Elias 11 MayWithin one lifetime, Esther Slap-Sammes, a 74 year old woman who lived in the neighborhood where we now live, was forcibly taken from her home by an occupying army, sent to a concentration camp, and murdered there. The German Army officially capitulated on May 5, 1945, 3 months after Esther was captured. Between 1943 and 1945, Esther lived, presumably, without Elias. All over Amsterdam there are brass plaques like these in the sidewalk reminding us of what happened. It remains almost inconceivable that other Europeans could have done this and claimed that it was right while they were doing it, except that we know it happened. I don't think humanity has progressed much since then.

(Suto Photos) Sat, 13 May 2017 20:37:15 GMT
Susan in Park 10 May Our neighborhood is filled with buildings that are decorated with art and architectural details. The Concertgebouw was built in an open field, and the entire neighborhood grew up afterwards. Streets are named after composers. Our street, Wanningstraat, is named after Meneer Wanning, who is by now an obscure early music composer. But his name appears inside the Concertgebouw among the great composers and in our street name. This photo is in a park where Susan is sitting on a bench made of ceramic tile pieces, a recent addition. Some of the architecture is of the Amsterdam School; some looks distinctly Art Deco. Amsterdam was obviously thriving during the early twentieth century, and it appears to be thriving again today. There are many houses undergoing rehab in our neighborhood, and in other neighborhoods are several large office buildings under construction or renovation.

Susan in Park 10 MaySusan in Park 10 MayOur neighborhood is filled with buildings that are decorated with art and architectural details. The Concertgebouw was built in an open field, and the entire neighborhood grew up afterwards. Streets are named after composers. Our street, Wanningstraat, is named after Meneer Wanning, who is by now an obscure early music composer. But his name appears inside the Concertgebouw among the great composers and in our street name. This photo is in a park where Susan is sitting on a bench made of ceramic tile pieces, a recent addition. Some of the architecture is of the Amsterdam School; some looks distinctly Art Deco. Amsterdam was obviously thriving during the early twentieth century, and it appears to be thriving again today. There are many houses undergoing rehab in our neighborhood, and in other neighborhoods are several large office buildings under construction or renovation.

(Suto Photos) Sat, 13 May 2017 20:35:42 GMT
TGC 9 May Me, Izzy, and the I Amsterdam sign. Taken by Ray, my new California friend. Dutch men do not wear baseball-type hats. Only kids. In fact, I have not seen them wear any kind of hat, which seems odd to me in a place with lots of rain, wind, and cool weather.

TGC 9 MayTGC 9 MayMe, Izzy, and the I Amsterdam sign. Taken by Ray, my new California friend. Dutch men do not wear baseball-type hats. Only kids. In fact, I have not seen them wear any kind of hat, which seems odd to me in a place with lots of rain, wind, and cool weather.

(Suto Photos) Sat, 13 May 2017 20:35:26 GMT
Schlock Abides in Utrecht 8 May Given the number of visitors here, there could be a lot more of this sort of thing. But the tourist sites are thoroughly integrated into the city so there are no concentrations of schlock. Most of the hotels are small independent places and the luxury hotels and hostels are not far apart.

Schlock Abides in Utrecht 8 MaySchlock Abides in Utrecht 8 MayGiven the number of visitors here, there could be a lot more of this sort of thing. But the tourist sites are thoroughly integrated into the city so there are no concentrations of schlock. Most of the hotels are small independent places and the luxury hotels and hostels are not far apart.

(Suto Photos) Sat, 13 May 2017 20:34:57 GMT
Water stains 7 May Utrecht was, according to Wikipedia, founded in 65 C.E.  It has buildings still standing from the early second century. For some reason, many of us find the wear and tear that occurs on old structures appealing. They have a complexity that is interesting.  A fountain stands in Utrecht with a lion head on each side, and handles on the other two sides that cause water to come out of the lions' mouths.  The water has left behind these colorful deposits.  Water stains 7 MayWater stains 7 May

(Suto Photos) Sat, 13 May 2017 20:34:35 GMT
California Friends 6 May My new friends from California, Ray and Susan, let me photograph them, and I let them photograph me and Izzy, but it was mainly Izzy that they were after. Many visitors have been very friendly to me and Susan and interested in talking. Ray maintains an eclectic web site. ( See They both had very nice scarves, and most Amsterdam women wear scarves, possibly due to the wind, temperature, and not infrequent rain. You can see from his website that Ray likes clothes that are colorful and interesting, 170 degrees away from my relationship to clothes. I only regret that they had to leave Amsterdam and my Susan and I did not have a chance to get to know them more. We only had twenty minutes together.

California Friends 6 MayCalifornia Friends 6 MayMy new friends from California, Ray and Susan, let me photograph them, and I let them photograph me and Izzy, but it was mainly Izzy that they were after. Many visitors have been very friendly to me and Susan and interested in talking. Ray maintains an eclectic web site. ( See They both had very nice scarves, and most Amsterdam women wear scarves, possibly due to the wind, temperature, and not infrequent rain. You can see from his website that Ray likes clothes that are colorful and interesting, 170 degrees away from my relationship to clothes. I only regret that they had to leave Amsterdam and my Susan and I did not have a chance to get to know them more. We only had twenty minutes together.

(Suto Photos) Sat, 13 May 2017 20:34:10 GMT
Pieperkeuken 5 May We got a free potato dinner on Museumplien, where we ate with thousands of others at picnic tables. The May 4 photo shows two people we talked with. Everyone has been friendly, although uncurious about us or the USA. On May 5, the Dutch celebrate the liberation of the country from Germany near the end of WWII by getting together in places all over the country for community dinners on bevrijdingsdag: liberation day. The biggest one was in museumplein, where we were. There was dancing, singing, and meeting new people. And no mention of any imaginary supernatural beings.

Pieperkeuken 5 MayPieperkeuken 5 MayWe got a free potato dinner on Museumplien, where we ate with thousands of others at picnic tables. The May 4 photo shows two people we talked with. Everyone has been friendly, although uncurious about us or the USA. On May 5, the Dutch celebrate the liberation of the country from Germany near the end of WWII by getting together in places all over the country for community dinners on bevrijdingsdag: liberation day. The biggest one was in museumplein, where we were. There was dancing, singing, and meeting new people. And no mention of any imaginary supernatural beings.

(Suto Photos) Sat, 13 May 2017 20:33:18 GMT
New Dutch Friends 4 May Until today, I never saw any reason for a king or queen. Today is Remembrance Day, when people recall the deaths and suffering of World War II and and Dutch people who died. I saw a very solemn ceremony in Dam, and the King and Queen were there and, along with several others, laid wreaths at the monument. A band played somber music, and thousands of people attended in serious silence. At 8, there was an official two minutes of silence throughout the country. When you have been invaded, occupied, and many people have been murdered or died of disease and starvation, the memory lasts a long time. A few survivors were there to place wreaths. The king and queen are widely loved and respected. Imagine that.

New Dutch Friends 4 MayNew Dutch Friends 4 MayUntil today, I never saw any reason for a king or queen. Today is Remembrance Day, when people recall the deaths and suffering of World War II and and Dutch people who died. I saw a very solemn ceremony in Dam, and the King and Queen were there and, along with several others, laid wreaths at the monument. A band played somber music, and thousands of people attended in serious silence. At 8, there was an official two minutes of silence throughout the country. When you have been invaded, occupied, and many people have been murdered or died of disease and starvation, the memory lasts a long time. A few survivors were there to place wreaths. The king and queen are widely loved and respected. Imagine that.

(Suto Photos) Sat, 13 May 2017 20:32:46 GMT
Man and Dog 3 May I blamed a man for letting his dog attack Izzy. I saw him again today, once again at the entrance to Vondel Park. He did not see me. He was moving slowly, shuffling actually, and looked old. I was, after seeing him, not so sure that he deserved blame. I think if I see him again that I will apologize for yelling at him and find out something about him.

Man and Dog 3 MayMan and Dog 3 MayI blamed a man for letting his dog attack Izzy. I saw him again today, once again at the entrance to Vondel Park. He did not see me. He was moving slowly, shuffling actually, and looked old. I was, after seeing him, not so sure that he deserved blame. I think if I see him again that I will apologize for yelling at him and find out something about him.

(Suto Photos) Sat, 13 May 2017 20:31:53 GMT
Tulpen 2 May Thanks Mendel for starting our journey to understanding heredity. One of my Dutch language classmates, a woman from South Korea, noticed that flowers here, the blooms themselves, are bigger than she had seen before. I had seen that also, particularly with the tulips. I guess they save the best ones for themselves.

Tulpen 2 MayTulpen 2 MayThanks Mendel for starting our journey to understanding heredity. One of my Dutch language classmates, a woman from South Korea, noticed that flowers here, the blooms themselves, are bigger than she had seen before. I had seen that also, particularly with the tulips. I guess they save the best ones for themselves.

(Suto Photos) Sat, 13 May 2017 20:31:04 GMT
Aardbei 1 May Our neighborhood is mostly what we call row houses. The fronts generally have about a foot of dirt between the building and the sidewalk. Yet every house has that piece of dirt filled with flowers, shrubs, trees, and vines. You already know about the Dutch reputation for tulips. And today we found this perfect strawberry, along with many other perfect ones, offered for sale on a truck that parked outside our house. Willie van Riel grew this strawberry, really. I have seen a photo of him. The package has a code and a QR code that links to Willie's web page. He also grows lettuce and tomatoes. I guess he gets really good because he specializes.

Aardbei 1 MayAardbei 1 MayOur neighborhood is mostly what we call row houses. The fronts generally have about a foot of dirt between the building and the sidewalk. Yet every house has that piece of dirt filled with flowers, shrubs, trees, and vines. You already know about the Dutch reputation for tulips. And today we found this perfect strawberry, along with many other perfect ones, offered for sale on a truck that parked outside our house. Willie van Riel grew this strawberry, really. I have seen a photo of him. The package has a code and a QR code that links to Willie's web page. He also grows lettuce and tomatoes. I guess he gets really good because he specializes.

(Suto Photos) Sat, 13 May 2017 20:30:46 GMT
30 April (Suto Photos) Sat, 13 May 2017 20:30:25 GMT Vondel Koningsdag 27 April A lot of drinking happens on Koningsdag, a holiday that has some resemblance to the 4th of July. It is a patriotic day and is universally observed in Nederland. But Vondel Park is the place for families. People line the walkways and put out their used stuff for sale. A band set up and was performing. The lead singer was poised and looked right into the camera of her own accord. There was an excellent bubble making thing. Kids chased the bubbles. One little girl, about 3, was looking up at a bubble when she walked right into a puddle. She narrowly averted tears. The walkways were as crowded as the Gillette Stadium exits after a Patriot's game.

Vondel Koningsdag 27 AprilVondel Koningsdag 27 AprilA lot of drinking happens on Koningsdag, a holiday that has some resemblance to the 4th of July. It is a patriotic day and is universally observed in Nederland. But Vondel Park is the place for families. People line the walkways and put out their used stuff for sale. A band set up and was performing. The lead singer was poised and looked right into the camera of her own accord. There was an excellent bubble making thing. Kids chased the bubbles. One little girl, about 3, was looking up at a bubble when she walked right into a puddle. She narrowly averted tears. The walkways were as crowded as the Gillette Stadium exits after a Patriot's game.

(Suto Photos) Sat, 13 May 2017 20:30:04 GMT
Vondel Egg Throwing 27 April For a few euro, you can try to hit a kid in the face with a raw egg. I don't get it, but it seemed quite popular and we saw several places where that piece of fun was offered. I did not see any successful strikes.

Vondel Egg Throwing 27 AprilVondel Egg Throwing 27 AprilFor a few euro, you can try to hit a kid in the face with a raw egg. I don't get it, but it seemed quite popular and we saw several places where that piece of fun was offered. I did not see any successful strikes.

(Suto Photos) Sat, 13 May 2017 20:29:30 GMT
Pissoirs 27 April Do you wonder if men are advantaged compared to women in Dutch life? I do not know the answer to that question. But men have one advantage, to use the pissoirs in Vondel. Wikipedia says that a pissoir is "... a structure that provides support and screening of urinals in public space. It is a French invention common in Europe that allows for urination in public without the need for a toilet building. The availability of pissoirs is likely to reduce urination onto buildings, sidewalks, or streets.[1]". I understand the reason a man would piss in an inappropriate place or at an inappropriate time, even in violation of a flight attendant's order on a Delta flight.

Pissoirs 27 AprilPissoirs 27 AprilDo you wonder if men are advantaged compared to women in Dutch life? I do not know the answer to that question. But men have one advantage, to use the pissoirs in Vondel. Wikipedia says that a pissoir is "... a structure that provides support and screening of urinals in public space. It is a French invention common in Europe that allows for urination in public without the need for a toilet building. The availability of pissoirs is likely to reduce urination onto buildings, sidewalks, or streets.[1]". I understand the reason a man would piss in an inappropriate place or at an inappropriate time, even in violation of a flight attendant's order on a Delta flight.

(Suto Photos) Sat, 13 May 2017 20:28:59 GMT
Appel 26 April Karel Appel studied at the Rijksmuseum school, that sanctuary for the great paintings of the golden era. He was a prodigy. So where did this come from? You might think you would find it at the Stedlijk, the modern museum, which has many 20th century modern masters. But no. This was at the Rijksmuseum! I and one other person went to view it the morning I was there. Everybody else was viewing Steen, Rembradt, Vermeer, etc.

Appel 26 AprilAppel 26 AprilKarel Appel studied at the Rijksmuseum school, that sanctuary for the great paintings of the golden era. He was a prodigy. So where did this come from? You might think you would find it at the Stedlijk, the modern museum, which has many 20th century modern masters. But no. This was at the Rijksmuseum! I and one other person went to view it the morning I was there. Everybody else was viewing Steen, Rembradt, Vermeer, etc.

Appel was also a long time favorite of the Stedelijk Museum. In fact, there is an Appel room, which is entire painted, walls and ceiling, by Appel. Here is a small piece of a larger painting that was on display at the Stedelijk:

Appel at StedAppel at Sted

(Suto Photos) Sat, 13 May 2017 20:28:32 GMT
Street Markets 25 April This is not your church bazaar. The street markets are staffed by full-time merchants who have traveling stalls. The Amstelveen market, shown here, appears on Fridays and takes over a square.  Some markets operate every day, like the Albert Cuyps market.  You can buy clothes, food, textiles, luggage, jewelry, toys, books, etc. The one closest to us, Zuid-market, has small merchants with hand-made food products, including some you can eat on the spot.  One woman makes several things that contain raspberries-tarts, jams, cheesecakes, and cookies. Another pair make sausage, both dry and fresh.  You can slice and eat dry sausage as an hors d'oeuvre.  Yesterday day we tried some herring;  the new herring appears in June.  I have no trouble waiting for them.

Amsteelveen VrijmarktAmsteelveen Vrijmarkt

(Suto Photos) Sat, 13 May 2017 20:28:04 GMT
ala Van Gogh 24-April Museumplein, the open space among the three big museums, has vendors, food trucks and stands, and ticket sellers. This one advertises an oil painting, which looks as good as a Van Gogh. I am not even sure if this is a painting or some kind of printed reproduction, but I thought it was intriguing, with the enough variations introduced to get me to look at it for quite a while. It resembles Self Portrait with Felt Grey Hat.

ala Van Gogh 24-Aprilala Van Gogh 24-AprilMuseumplein, the open space among the three big museums, has vendors, food trucks and stands, and ticket sellers. This one advertises an oil painting, which looks as good as a Van Gogh. I am not even sure if this is a painting or some kind of printed reproduction, but I thought it was intriguing, with the enough variations introduced to get me to look at it for quite a while. It resembles Self Portrait with Felt Grey Hat.

(Suto Photos) Sat, 13 May 2017 20:26:24 GMT
Royal Palace 23-April I assume the King and Queen are not staying at the Royal Palace this week. There were lots of families at the carnival this evening. You could eat nasty food, lose your money trying to win a stuffed animal in many ways, or get thrilled on a ride. The Ferris wheel was kinda dull but the other rides could make you lose lunch.

Royal Palace 23-AprilRoyal Palace 23-AprilI assume the King and Queen are not staying at the Royal Palace this week. There were lots of families at the carnival this evening. You could eat nasty food, lose your money trying to win a stuffed animal in many ways, or get thrilled on a ride. The Ferris wheel was kinda dull but the other rides could make you lose lunch.

(Suto Photos) Fri, 12 May 2017 17:17:28 GMT
Mail Box 22-April The Dutch government does not run the post office. It is now a private organization, Post.NL. I know they have colorful boxes and I have been told that there is no longer mail delivery to every residence. Some people live on islands where the post was at one time delivered by boat to the island, a very time-consuming and expensive process for a few people. I continue to think it is a fantastically good thing that I can send a letter from the end of my driveway to some person in a rural place in Alaska (that's still true, isn't it) for $0.49. But privatizing the post office might not be a bad thing if we can assure that somehow every citizen can get access to mail for a reasonable price. We could also keep Congress from stealing from the post office for other things, and then complaining that it is not being run efficiently and profitably.

Mail Box 22-AprilMail Box 22-AprilThe Dutch government does not run the post office. It is now a private organization, Post.NL. I know they have colorful boxes and I have been told that there is no longer mail delivery to every residence. Some people live on islands where the post was at one time delivered by boat to the island, a very time-consuming and expensive process for a few people. I continue to think it is a fantastically good thing that I can send a letter from the end of my driveway to some person in a rural place in Alaska (that's still true, isn't it) for $0.49. But privatizing the post office might not be a bad thing if we can assure that somehow every citizen can get access to mail for a reasonable price. We could also keep Congress from stealing from the post office for other things, and then complaining that it is not being run efficiently and profitably.

(Suto Photos) Fri, 12 May 2017 17:15:02 GMT
Vondel Red Flower 21-April Vondel Park is pretty big. On a beautiful spring day like today, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of people who walk, ride, hang out, smoke pot, play tennis, or pilfer plant-life. Today I found a path with few bikes or people, next to a long pond, with lots of wetland plants alongside. There are many beautiful flowers growing there, including this beauty. It's not just tulips; there are so many lovely flowering plants. Even tiny patches in front of urban houses have scrappy flowering plants. Susan found this flower on the web; it is a tulipa clusiana chrysanthemum 'Tubergen's Gem'

Vondel Red Flower 21-AprilVondel Red Flower 21-AprilVondel Park is pretty big. On a beautiful spring day like today, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of people who walk, ride, hang out, smoke pot, play tennis, or pilfer plant-life. Today I found a path with few bikes or people, next to a long pond, with lots of wetland plants alongside. There are many beautiful flowers growing there, including this beauty. It's not just tulips; there are so many lovely flowering plants. Even tiny patches in front of urban houses have scrappy flowering plants. Susan found this flower on the web; it is a tulipa clusiana chrysanthemum 'Tubergen's Gem'

(Suto Photos) Fri, 12 May 2017 17:09:55 GMT
Falafel King 20-April There are many, many, many places to eat in our part of the city. Some of them are too expensive and probably priced for the tourist with money. Some, like Falafel King, are more modest but one might pause before entering given the appearance. I will certainly try some of these, given my fondness for falafel and humus and many other foods, when I get tired of my peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

Falafel King 20-AprilFalafel King 20-AprilThere are many, many, many places to eat in our part of the city. Some of them are too expensive and probably priced for the tourist with money. Some, like Falafel King, are more modest but one might pause before entering given the appearance. I will certainly try some of these, given my fondness for falafel and humus and many other foods, when I get tired of my peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

(Suto Photos) Fri, 12 May 2017 16:51:27 GMT
Seedy Bars 19-April In the Leidesplein neighborhood, there is a street lined with bars and nightclubs. One could readily imagine the scene at midnight, which I will have to do because I no longer go to bars at midnight. This shot shows the morning view, with the beer truck restocking a bar. The street was strewn with litter, glass, garbage cans, and signs. Apparently many people come to Amsterdam to party and use marijuana and alcohol, but we have not met any. Colorful anyway.

Seedy Bars 19-AprilSeedy Bars 19-AprilIn the Leidesplein neighborhood, there is a street lined with bars and nightclubs. One could readily imagine the scene at midnight, which I will have to do because I no longer go to bars at midnight. This shot shows the morning view, with the beer truck restocking a bar. The street was strewn with litter, glass, garbage cans, and signs. Apparently many people come to Amsterdam to party and use marijuana and alcohol, but we have not met any. Colorful anyway.

(Suto Photos) Fri, 12 May 2017 16:49:53 GMT
Parking Garage 16-April Izzy and I went to visit the PurePoint toilets this evening. They are in the very modern parking garage that lies below the museumplein, the large open grassy field that joins the Rijksmuseum, the Van Gogh, the Stedelijk and the Concertgebouw. The toilets were closed, but we could see the cash machine that required a euro to get in. The only reason I see for the charge is to exclude those who cannot afford a euro, i.e., the mentally ill who live on the streets. I guess I would prefer not to have them spoiling the toilets, but what do they do for a toilet?

Parking Garage 16-AprilParking Garage 16-AprilIzzy and I went to visit the PurePoint toilets this evening. They are in the very modern parking garage that lies below the museumplein, the large open grassy field that joins the Rijksmuseum, the Van Gogh, the Stedelijk and the Concertgebouw. The toilets were closed, but we could see the cash machine that required a euro to get in. The only reason I see for the charge is to exclude those who cannot afford a euro, i.e., the mentally ill who live on the streets. I guess I would prefer not to have them spoiling the toilets, but what do they do for a toilet?

(Suto Photos) Fri, 12 May 2017 16:46:51 GMT
Boyd: 15-Apri Here is our friend Boyd. He is a charming and kind person, and he has excellent manners, which he exercises with ease. We met him in Boston but he lives in a polder here in Nederland, which you Americans can look up. He has a cool job, working for Apple in the store in Den Haag. His soft-spoken American/British/Dutch girlfriend, an undeniably cosmopolitan woman, is coming to live with him in a couple of months (she attended the same Dutch language class as we did and Boyd came to a few classes with her).

Boyd: 15-AprilBoyd: 15-AprilHere is our friend Boyd. He is a charming and kind person, and he has excellent manners, which he exercises with ease. We met him in Boston but he lives in a polder here in Nederland, which you Americans can look up. He has a cool job, working for Apple in the store in Den Haag. His soft-spoken American/British/Dutch girlfriend, an undeniably cosmopolitan woman, is coming to live with him in a couple of months (she attended the same Dutch language class as we did and Boyd came to a few classes with her). He helped us today with T-Mobile, who insisted on having their klantenservice in Dutch, and he has taught us many things about how to live here.
At dinner, Susan related the story of Queen Maxima saying that there was no such thing as "THE" Dutch person, because, the queen explained, there was such a variety of people in the country. I thought that was an insightful and nuanced comment by the Queen, even though she received some criticism for it. Boyd likes the king and queen, and recounted some stories showing their lack of avarice, in contrast to you-know-who. The king's brother and sister-in-law have visited the Apple Store for help and to shop!

He helped us today with T-Mobile, who insisted on having their klantenservice in Dutch, and he has taught us many things about how to live here.
At dinner, Susan related the story of Queen Maxima saying that there was no such thing as "THE" Dutch person, because, the queen explained, there was such a variety of people in the country. I thought that was an insightful and nuanced comment by the Queen, even though she received some criticism for it. Boyd likes the king and queen, and recounted some stories showing their lack of avarice, in contrast to you-know-who. The king's brother and sister-in-law have visited the Apple Store for help and to shop!

(Suto Photos) Fri, 12 May 2017 16:43:03 GMT
Izzy in Amsterdam: 15-April Isabella Rossellini has been a country dog until now. I promised her that she was going to like it here. And I think she does, because the neighborhood is packed with new smells. If you let her, she would stop at every other corner, bush, tree, and post, to check out the messages left by other dogs and to add her own comment. Every day, so far, she has avoided being hit by a bike, a scooter, a car, a truck, a tram, and motorcycle. More on that later. She also needs a bath as of today and we need to find a pet store and get some dog shampoo. She has met many other dogs in the neighborhood, but none are friends. I am sorry she can't see her friends Sophie and Lily.

Izzy in Amsterdam: 15-AprilIzzy in Amsterdam: 15-AprilIsabella Rossellini has been a country dog until now. I promised her that she was going to like it here. And I think she does, because the neighborhood is packed with new smells. If you let her, she would stop at every other corner, bush, tree, and post, to check out the messages left by other dogs and to add her own comment. Every day, so far, she has avoided being hit by a bike, a scooter, a car, a truck, a tram, and motorcycle. More on that later. She also needs a bath as of today and we need to find a pet store and get some dog shampoo. She has met many other dogs in the neighborhood, but none are friends. I am sorry she can't see her friends Sophie and Lily.

(Suto Photos) Fri, 12 May 2017 16:40:10 GMT
Coffee Oven: 15-April Brandmeesters roasts coffee. Here is their oven. They have a nice assortment of coffee beans, so hopefully we have found one as good as Karma. The names of the drinks are a little different, and they don't have any dumb-ass sizes like "Grande." The cups are all smaller than American coffee shops. But the best thing is that they have peanut butter (pindakaas) flavored with coffee and salt. Heel lekker.

Coffee Oven: 15-AprilCoffee Oven: 15-AprilBrandmeesters roasts coffee. Here is their oven. They have a nice assortment of coffee beans, so hopefully we have found one as good as Karma. The names of the drinks are a little different, and they don't have any dumb-ass sizes like "Grande." The cups are all smaller than American coffee shops. But the best thing is that they have peanut butter (pindakaas) flavored with coffee and salt. Heel lekker.

(Suto Photos) Fri, 12 May 2017 16:34:34 GMT
Wilted Tulip: 14-April The tulips here seem bigger than other places. They are in many colors and patterns. The wilted tulip, when examined up close, is actually more interesting looking to me. See for yourself.
I think I may have reached a comparable stage in life.

Wilted Tulip: 14-AprilWilted Tulip: 14-AprilThe tulips here seem bigger than other places. They are in many colors and patterns. The wilted tulip, when examined up close, is actually more interesting looking to me. See for yourself.
I think I may have reached a comparable stage in life.


(Suto Photos) Fri, 12 May 2017 16:32:03 GMT
Wasted Tulip Pollen: 13-April There are indeed a lot of tulips in Amsterdam. We learned in Dutch class that a modern entrepreneur promoted the idea of one tulip for every person in the city. They are at their peak right now. The landlady put several flower arrangements in our apartment; after 9 days they are all spent. Here is one tulip interior after the petals had drooped. There is enough pollen for a lot of baby tulips that is going to waste here; no bugs to spread it around and no receptive plants to be had. Fortunately, the Dutch have made sure there are enough tulips for everyone who wants some.

Wasted Tulip Pollen: 13-AprilWasted Tulip Pollen: 13-AprilThere are indeed a lot of tulips in Amsterdam. We learned in Dutch class that a modern entrepreneur promoted the idea of one tulip for every person in the city. They are at their peak right now. The landlady put several flower arrangements in our apartment; after 9 days they are all spent. Here is one tulip interior after the petals had drooped. There is enough pollen for a lot of baby tulips that is going to waste here; no bugs to spread it around and no receptive plants to be had. Fortunately, the Dutch have made sure there are enough tulips for everyone who wants some.
One Amsterdammer commented on the character of the Dutch: if they can make money, the stores will be open. So we expect a lot of things to be open on Easter.

One Amsterdammer commented on the character of the Dutch: if they can make money, the stores will be open. So we expect a lot of things to be open on Easter.

(Suto Photos) Fri, 12 May 2017 16:20:40 GMT
Wanningstraat Light Fixture: 12-April The Venetian light fixtures in our apartment have an elegance and style from an earlier era. You will not find one of these at Wolfers. Along with that older style is the unfortunate fact that it does not emit nearly enough light. Our apartment is kinda dim after the sun goes down. The days here are already quite long, but in the winter it could be kinda grim. I recommend modern ligtitng and lots of it; skip the old fashioned fixtures.

Wanningstraat Light Fixture: 12-AprilWanningstraat Light Fixture: 12-AprilThe Venetian light fixtures in our apartment have an elegance and style from an earlier era. You will not find one of these at Wolfers. Along with that older style is the unfortunate fact that it does not emit nearly enough light. Our apartment is kinda dim after the sun goes down. The days here are already quite long, but in the winter it could be kinda grim. I recommend modern ligtitng and lots of it; skip the old fashioned fixtures.
A lot of Amsterdam has a similar older design aesthetic, but our neighborhood, Oud Zuid (old south), is undergoing gentrification. I suppose we have this apartment because renting it became attractive to the landlady. There are scaffolds and workmen all over the place, and some of the townhouses, newly renovated, are being offered for over €1 million.

A lot of Amsterdam has a similar older design aesthetic, but our neighborhood, Oud Zuid (old south), is undergoing gentrification. I suppose we have this apartment because renting it became attractive to the landlady. There are scaffolds and workmen all over the place, and some of the townhouses, newly renovated, are being offered for over €1 million.

(Suto Photos) Fri, 12 May 2017 15:31:26 GMT
Het Concertgebouw: 11-April I learned something today: I don't really like the sound of big organs like the one at the Concertgebouw. We attended the free Wednesday lunchtime concert today. The bass notes could rattle the building, but the sound is like mush to me. I prefer more transparent and crisper sound.

Het Concertgebouw: 11-AprilHet Concertgebouw: 11-AprilI learned something today: I don't really like the sound of big organs like the one at the Concertgebouw. We attended the free Wednesday lunchtime concert today. The bass notes could rattle the building, but the sound is like mush to me. I prefer more transparent and crisper sound.
The Concertgebouw, a block from our apartment, has hundreds of performances every year, far more than any other venue I have heard of. It is a grand dame of concert halls, built in 1888, with some major renovations since then. Frank Gehry visited the Concertgebouw with an audio designer to study the hall when he was working on the Walt Disney hall in Los Angeles. He called it, along with Boston's symphony hall, a shoebox design. If you are interested in big architectural ideas, you can hear a long interview of Gehry on the Getty Museum podcast.
The hall was full today; I think many Amsterdammers like the classical repertoire.

The Concertgebouw, a block from our apartment, has hundreds of performances every year, far more than any other venue I have heard of. It is a grand dame of concert halls, built in 1888, with some major renovations since then. Frank Gehry visited the Concertgebouw with an audio designer to study the hall when he was working on the Walt Disney hall in Los Angeles. He called it, along with Boston's symphony hall, a shoebox design. If you are interested in big architectural ideas, you can hear a long interview of Gehry on the Getty Museum podcast.
The hall was full today; I think many Amsterdammers like the classical repertoire.



(Suto Photos) Fri, 12 May 2017 15:27:25 GMT
Chanel 11-April In our neighborhood is a street, Pieter Cornelisz Hooftstraat, where the "high end" international designers have come together. Chanel is one of them. The Chanel building, like many older Amsterdam buildings, was tilted forward at the top, which facilitated the hoisting of things from below and getting them into the upper floors. Chanel decided to plumb up the front and used glass bricks. So the bricks, of decreasing thickness as they go higher, create a nice plumb (that's plumb not plum) front and a pleasing sight to the architectural noticer. I only regret that the Lamborghini, which was parked a few feet away, was not there for my photo.

Chanel: 11-AprilChanel: 11-AprilIn our neighborhood is a street, Pieter Cornelisz Hooftstraat, where the "high end" international designers have come together. Chanel is one of them. The Chanel building, like many older Amsterdam buildings, was tilted forward at the top, which facilitated the hoisting of things from below and getting them into the upper floors. Chanel decided to plumb up the front and used glass bricks. So the bricks, of decreasing thickness as they go higher, create a nice plumb (that's plumb not plum) front and a pleasing sight to the architectural noticer. I only regret that the Lamborghini, which was parked a few feet away, was not there for my photo.

(Suto Photos) Fri, 12 May 2017 15:24:12 GMT
Nameless Canal in de Pijp: 10-April In the five days since we arrived, we have seen infrastructure work in many places. In this photo they are building a parking garage below the canal. We could not find the name of the canal anywhere.

Nameless Canal in de Pijp: 10-AprilNameless Canal in de Pijp: 10-AprilIn the five days since we arrived, we have seen infrastructure work in many places. In this photo they are building a parking garage below the canal. We could not find the name of the canal anywhere.

(Suto Photos) Fri, 12 May 2017 15:14:38 GMT
Our senior year abroad: Spring 2017 to Spring 2018 Susan and I decided to spend a year in Europe. So we picked Amsterdam. Here is our logo.  Read more to follow things we see and ideas we have. I promise not to use any 'touristy' photos.  You will not find these shots in a guide book. And the text is as important to me as the photo, which has some relationship to the text. We

SutonymSutonymYou can find out a little bit about our trip to Europe by looking at these photos and reading the captions.


(Suto Photos) Fri, 12 May 2017 10:37:50 GMT
How to Bathe a Papillon Here's how to bathe a Papillon:

1.  Remove the dirty dishes from the sink.  Here's what it should look like when you are done:

IMG_8791 2.  Select herbal dog shampoo.

IMG_8794 3.  Place dog in sink.

IMG_8797 4.  Lather the dog.

IMG_8806 4.  Rinse and apply conditioner

IMG_8810 5.  Rinse and wrap dog in a towel.

IMG_8814 6. Dog is ready for blow drying

IMG_8819 7.  Blow Dry the animal


Ooooh, blow drying


8.  Enjoy a clean fluffy dog.


(Suto Photos) Papillon bath dog Mon, 30 Apr 2012 02:32:15 GMT
New Bedford's Penniman and Kenyon Streets Morris Koffman and Rosalyn Goldstein grew up in New Bedford, Massachusetts. In March 2012, Susan and I visited to New Bedford and took some pictures from the neighborhoods where they lived.

Morris lived with his mother, Pauline Koffman, a caterer, at 153 Penniman Street. The block where that house was located was drastically altered by the construction of an exit ramp for Interstate I-140.  The ramp was constructed on the north side of the street, so all of those houses are gone.  But many of the houses on the south side are still there, but in poor condition. One was boarded up.  Two blocks up the hill was a house that, according to Susan's memory, was similar to Pauline's house.  They were nice houses.  Across the street was a laundry and a public school. The laundry building is now part of another business. The school is boarded up, but the property appears to be part of a small manufacturer that makes traps.

Here's a view looking east on Penniman.


Here's one of the houses:
The 1930 census lists Pauline (Bubbe to her grandchildren) Koffman, age 42, as the head household with four children, David, Hazel, Percy, and Morris (age 9).  Also listed is Wolf  Schwartz, Pauline's father, age 66, at the same address. Wolf is listed as a widow. Her husband, Louis, had died when Morris was 7. Both Pauline and Wolf show Russia as their birth place. Wolf is also Nancy Rakatansky's great-grandfather, just as he is the great grandfather for Susan and her sibs.
Here's the laundry, now another business:
New Bedford Industry
Susan recalls that Morris worked at a laundry when he was in high school. This would have been right across the street from his house.  Here's another view:
Here are two views of the school on Penniman. One view shows it on the corner of Reynolds and Penniman. 
School on Penniman You can see the laundry up the hill on the left.  On the right is the ramp that comes off of I-140. The Koffman house was on the right up the hill and across from the laundry building.
 Here's a view from above the school looking back down the hill.
School on Penniman (1)
Here's a house, in very nice condition, further up the hill, at the corner of Penniman and Mt. Pleasant Street, that would have looked something like Pauline's house. Her house had three floors instead of two, and was certainly not green.
IMG_7208 Kenyon Street is a different matter.  The block where Rosalyn lived is completely gone. There is only one block left from Kenyon Street, and it is not nice.  We found a tire recycling facility, trash in the street, abandoned lots, and one really snarly little building, but photogenic.  Here are some views at Kenyon Street.
IMG_7233 The snarly building:
South of these neighborhoods, there is large relic of New Bedford's past glory--an Orpheum theatre.  It opened April 15, 1912.  There is a big prize for anyone who can remember what happened that day.
If you have any history to add, leave a comment.
(Suto Photos) Bedford Goldsteind Kenyon Koffman Morris New Penniman Rosalyn Tue, 03 Apr 2012 03:35:57 GMT